
More charges against Paul Bergrin

/ 07.Jun, 2011

The New Jersey Lawyer whose case is summed up by his statement of “no witness, no case” has had additional charges brought against him.  In addition to the charges of witness tampering, racketeering, mortgage fraud and murder of a federal witness he previously faced, new charges of drug trafficking, witness tampering and conspiracy have been added.

As we previously noted, among the many issues of attorney ethics involved in this case, conviction of any of these crimes would constitute a violation of N.J. Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4 (b) (the rule is the same in Pennsylvania).  It is “professional misconduct” for a lawyer to “commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects.”

Josh J.T. Byrne, Esquire
