
What you don’t know can hurt you

/ 05.Jan, 2012

We have previously written about Bonnie Sweeten, not because of her sensationalist faked kidnapping, but because of what her case means for professional malpractice avoidance.  Ms. Sweeten will be sentenced in Federal Court today on charges of fraud relating to her theft of money from a number of people, including her former employer, Debbie Ann Carlitz, a lawyer.  Ms. Sweeten faces 2 to 22 years in prison, but her conduct has also led to disciplinary actions against her former employer who is now disbarred.  Although Ms. Carlitz expressed ignorance of Ms. Sweeten’s actions, she has paid a heavy price in legal malpractice lawsuits and disciplinary charges.  Professional liability avoidance requires knowing what is going on in your office.  Ignorance is only blissful until it causes damage.

-Josh J.T. Byrne, Esquire
